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Submissões Recentes

Effects of photobiomodulation on pain, lactate and muscle performance (ROM, torque, and EMG parameters) of paretic upper limb in patients with post-stroke spastic hemiparesis: a randomized controlled clinical trial
(Springer-Verlag London Ltd.) Neves, Marcele Florêncio das; Pinto, Ana Paula; Maegima, Letícia Tiemi; Lima, Fernanda Pupio Silva; Lopes‑Martins, Rodrigo Álvaro Brandão; Arisawa, Emilia Angela Lo Schiavo; Lima, Mário Oliveira
The objective of the study was to investigate the impact of photobiomodulation (PBM) on the paretic upper limb in post-stroke patients with spastic hemiparesis and to understand the potential of PBM as a long-term non-invasive therapy for reducing the side effects caused by spasticity in the hemiparetic upper limb after a stroke. This is a double-blind randomized clinical trial constituted of 27 participants, being Control group (CG = 12 healthy individuals) and PBM group (PBMG = 15 post-stroke individuals). In the CG, the baseline blood lactate (BL) was evaluated, followed by the evaluation of the IC torque of the biceps and triceps muscles, with the isokinetic dynamometer associated with surface electromyography (EMG) and, subsequently, a new measurement of BL. The PBMG received 10 sessions of treatment with PBM (780 nm, Power: 100 mV, Power Density: 3.18 W/cm2, Energy: 4 J, Fluency: 127.4 J/cm2, Time: 40 s per point and 1.280 s total, Spot: 0.0314 cm2, 32 Points: 16 points (brachial biceps) and 16 points (brachial triceps) applied with contact at 90°, Total Energy: 64 J), which in the pre-treatment evaluation measured BL, the visual analogue scale (VAS) of pain; torque and EMG of the same muscles in the IC, subsequently, a new measurement of VAS and BL, and measurement of range of motion (ROM) during the reaching movement. At the conclusion of the ten sessions, all participants underwent a reassessment, wherein all tests originally administered during the initial evaluation were repeated. Subsequently, the data were analyzed using the Shapiro–Wilk normality test. For related data, the paired t-test was used for normal distributions and the Wilcoxon test for non-normal data. For unrelated data, the t test was used for normal distributions and the Mann–Whitney test for non-normal data. Muscle torque was higher for the CG, with a significant difference (CGxPBMG = p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference between the EMG values of the CG in relation to the Pre-PBM phase and with the Post-PBM phase of the PBMG (p > 0.05). On the other hand, there was a 38% reduction in pain reported by hemiparetic patients (p = 0.0127) and a decrease in BL in the PBMG. Post-PBM ROM increased by 46.1% in the elbow extension of the paretic limb. In conclusion, Photobiomodulation (PBM) demonstrated significant improvements in muscle performance, reducing fatigue and pain levels, and enhancing range of motion in post-stroke patients with spastic hemiparesis. These findings support the potential integration of PBM into rehabilitation protocols, but further research and clinical trials are needed to validate and expand upon these promising outcomes.
Modulation of heat shock protein expression and cytokine levels in MCF‐7 cells through photodynamic therapy
(Springer-Verlag London Ltd.) Santos, Mariela Inês Batista dos; Godoi, Bruno Henrique; Silva, Newton Soares da; Oliveira, Luciane Dias de; Ramos, Lucas de Paula; Cintra, Ricardo Cesar; Pacheco‐Soares, Cristina
In this study, we assess the impact of photodynamic therapy (PDT) using aluminum phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (AlPcS4) on the viability and cellular stress responses of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Specifically, we investigate changes in cell viability, cytokine production, and the expression of stress-related genes. Experimental groups included control cells, those treated with AlPcS4 only, light-emitting diode (LED) only, and combined PDT. To evaluate these effects on cell viability, cytokine production, and the expression of stress-related genes, techniques such as 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), and real-time quantitative PCR (RT‒qPCR) were employed. Our findings reveal how PDT with AlPcS4 modulates mitochondrial activity and cytokine responses, shedding light on the cellular pathways essential for cell survival and stress adaptation. This work enhances our understanding of PDT's therapeutic potential and mechanisms in treating breast cancer.
Assessing the effects of a minor CIR‐HSS geomagnetic storm on the brazilian low‐latitude ionosphere: ground and space‐based observations
(Advancing Earth and Space Sciences) Chingarandi, Frank Simbarashe; Candido, Claúdia Maria Nicoli; Guedes, Fabio Becker; Jonah, Olusegun Folarin; Santos, Stella Pires Moraes; Klausner, Virgínia; Osanyin, Taiwo Olusayo
This paper investigates the effects of a minor G1 Co-rotating Interaction Region (CIR)/High-Speed Stream (HSS)-driven geomagnetic storm that occurred on (13–14 October 2018), during deep solar minimum. We used simultaneous observations from multiple instruments, namely; ground-based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers, a Digisonde, ground magnetometers, and space-based observations from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Global-scale Observations of Limb and Disk (GOLD) and SWARM missions. This study presents a detailed picture of the low-latitude ionosphere response over the Brazilian sector during a minor storm. Our results showed that the minor CIR/HSS-driven storm caused a positive ionospheric storm of over ∼20 TECU in magnitude. For the first time, periodic post-sunset irregularities and Equatorial Plasma Bubbles, equatorial plasma bubbles, were analyzed using GOLD FUV OI 135.6 nm emission, Total Electron Content (TEC) maps, Rate of TEC index, ROTI, and TEC gradients. Fluctuations in the interplanetary magnetic field Bz and changes in the thermospheric column density ratio (∑O/N2) are discussed as the main sources of ionospheric changes during the storm. This paper highlights the importance of monitoring and understanding the impact of Sun-Earth interactions and provides insight into the behavior of the low-latitude ionosphere during minor geomagnetic storms.
AGN feedback and star formation in the peculiar galaxy NGC 232: insights from VLT-MUSE observations
(Royal Astronomical Society) Souza, José Henrique Costa; Riffel, Rogemar A.; Dors Junior, Oli Luiz; Riffel, Rogério; Poppe, Paulo César da Rocha
We use VLT-MUSE integral field unit data to study the ionized gas physical properties and kinematics as well as the stellar populations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 232 as an opportunity to understand the role of AGN feedback on star formation. The data cover a field of view of 60 × 60 arcsec2 at a spatial resolution of ∼850 pc. The emission-line profiles have been fitted with two Gaussian components, one associated to the emission of the gas in the disc and the other due to a bi-conical outflow. The spectral synthesis suggests a predominantly old stellar population with ages exceeding 2 Gyr, with the largest contributions seen at the nucleus and decreasing outwards. Meanwhile, the young and intermediate age stellar populations exhibit a positive gradient with increasing radius and a circum-nuclear star-forming ring with radius of ∼0.5 kpc traced by stars younger than 20 Myr, is observed. This, along with the fact that AGN and SF dominated regions present similar gaseous oxygen abundances, suggests a shared reservoir feeding both star formation and the AGN. We have estimated a maximum outflow rate in ionized gas of ∼1.26 M yr−1 observed at a distance of ∼560 pc from the nucleus. The corresponding maximum kinetic power of the outflow is ∼3.4 × 1041 erg s−1. This released energy could be sufficient to suppress star formation within the ionization cone, as evidenced by the lower star formation rates observed in this region.
Corrosion performance of polypyrrole-bilayer coating on carbon steel
(Springer Nature) Cho, Liu Yao; Guiotti, Luciano Grande; Liu, Andrea Santos
Polypyrrole doped with phosphoric acid was electrochemically synthesized on carbon steel from acetonitrile medium, and then a coating of polypyrrole doped with a long carbon chain acid, dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid or lauric acid, was electrodeposited to form a bilayer. The more protective performance of the bilayers in relation to monolayers was explained in terms of adherence and low porous, as confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. The corrosion perfor- mance was also confirmed by electrochemical measurements of open-circuit potential, potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in chloride solution. The polarization experiments indicated that the corrosion potential values for polypyrrole-bilayer-coated steel were shifted to the positive direction in relation to uncoated carbon steel, indicating anodic protection. Tafel plots also indicated that the anodic current densities were smaller for steel coated by polypyrrole-bilayer. In addition, the electrochemical impedance data showed that the charge transfer resistance values are associated with the resistance to electron exchange between the metal and the coating, and depend on the type of long carbon chain dopant used in the outer-layer. Thus, the suggested mechanism to explain the protection of carbon steel surfaces against corrosion was associated to the passivation and barrier effect of the polypyrrole-bilayer.