Enhancing learning of the Grad-Shafranov equation through scientific literature: Part 3 of a physics education series


The Grad-Shafranov (GS) equation is a fundamental tool extensively used in plasma physics, particularly in the context of magnetic confinement, notably in tokamaks for fusion energy research. This equation plays a crucial role in reconstructing magnetic field topology in plasma regions like the magnetopause and magnetotail, leading to the development of the GS reconstruction technique. In this third installment of our series, we explore the merger of the Yoon-Lui-2 and Yoon-Lui-3 generating functions, allowing for a deeper understanding of the core equation in Plasma Physics. Furthermore, this article provides a comprehensive summary of solutions previously presented in Parts 1 and 2. We investigate the behavior of magnetic islands positioned above either the X-axis or the Z-axis for specific parameter values and their impact on plasma confinement. The article concludes that the derived model offers a simpler, more stable, and easily analyzable solution for magnetic morphology. However, it is worth noting that the model’s inflexibility in singularity positions may limit its adaptability to different scenarios. This article marks the conclusion of our physics education series dedicated to studying new specific solutions of the GS equation.

