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Item A precariedade dos serviços de esgotamento sanitário nos aglomerados subnormais do estado de São Paulo: uma chaga de difícil tratamento(Universidade Salvador) Vieira, José Moacir de Sousa; Valério Filho, Mário; Mendes, Rodolfo MoredaEste artigo tem como objetivo analisar a problemática da precariedade dos serviços de esgotamento sanitário em aglomerados subnormais no estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa apresenta dados atualizados sobre a coleta e tratamento de esgotos e um panorama da evolução do número de aglomerados subnormais no estado. A proliferação desses aglomerados se torna um problema ainda maior quando relacionada às dificuldades na universalização do saneamento básico nesses assentamentos, especialmente concernentes aos serviços de esgotamento sanitário. Este trabalho adota uma abordagem dialética e um procedimento metodológico baseado na técnica de documentação indireta, utilizando fontes estatísticas de órgãos governamentais e explorando bibliograficamente obras e pesquisas relacionadas ao tema. Os resultados deste estudo revelam os desafios enfrentados pelos moradores desses aglomerados no que diz respeito ao acesso aos serviços de esgotamento sanitário. Além disso, apontam que o aumento no número de aglomerados subnormais nos municípios paulistas é uma tendência preocupante, diretamente relacionada à falta de acesso à moradia digna e à precariedade do saneamento básico. Este estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão das desigualdades sociais, lançando luz sobre as defasagens presentes nas condições de saneamento básico em comunidades periféricas. Além disso, oferece subsídios que podem orientar esforços destinados a melhorar essas condições e auxiliar os moradores dessas comunidades na superação das dificuldades inerentes à vida nos aglomerados subnormais. Esta pesquisa enfatiza a necessidade de políticas públicas e ações concretas para melhorar a qualidade de vida dessas populações vulneráveis e promover o acesso a serviços de saneamento independentemente de condição socioeconômica ou localização geográfica.Item A presença da mulher microempreendedora individual no mercado de trabalho na RMVPLN, SP: Um Estudo Exploratório(Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul) Formoso, Ilka Ramos; Costa, Sandra Maria FonsecaO presente artigo apresenta uma análise da participação da mulher, como MEI na RMVPLN, detalhando as análises no município de São José dos Campos, SP. Foram utilizados dados do SEBRAE, segundo o Perfil dos Microempreendedores, de 2019, dados da Receita Federal, de 2021, índices do IBGE, quanto a Pesquisa Mensal de Empresa – Trabalhadores e PNAD Contínua, de 2019. Verificou-se que, entre 2010 e 2020 ocorreu uma crescente formalização de MEI's no País e, no mesmo período, as mulheres tiveram uma participação exponencial em atividades da indústria, comércio e prestação de serviços, inseridas como MEI's no mercado de trabalho formal. Na RMVPLN, entre 2010 a 2020, houve um crescimento de 1.874,75% no número de MEI’s registrados, cenário que aponta para um crescimento da informalidade, no último decênio. Desta forma, destaca-se a importância da figura da mulher MEI no mercado formal e para a geração de renda familiar.Item Adoniran Barbosa e a trilha sonora da cultura brasileira nos anos 50: uma perspectiva cultural do desenvolvimento segundo Celso Furtado(Observatório de la Economía Latinoamericana) Monção Junior, Roberto Gomes; Silva, Fabiana Felix do Amaral eBaseando-se na análise da música popular de Adoniran Barbosa, este estudo promove uma discussão sobre cultura e desenvolvimento, de acordo com as ideias de Celso Furtado. Especial atenção é dada às concepções de cultura, criatividade, modernização e desenvolvimento endógeno. Do ponto de vista teórico, a análise do discurso é adotada como uma ferramenta que reconhece o sujeito como parte do coletivo, enfocando o assujeitamento inconsciente ao conhecimento coletivo. A pesquisa qualitativa explora o papel do cantor popular como um cronista que internaliza a visão coletiva, refletindo que neste processo não há apenas tensões e conflitos entre grupos sociais, mas a imposição de uma cultura que se considerava superior e que marginalizou outras culturas. Conclui-se que a busca por alternativas de desenvolvimento exige a defesa do desenvolvimento endógeno, conforme proposto por Celso Furtado, e uma conexão sólida entre esse processo e o sistema cultural.Item Alert scenarios for the Metropolitan Region of Recife-PE based on monitoring of rainfall and soil humidity – a case study(Brazilian Association for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) Coutinho, Roberto Quental; Morais, Bruno Diego de; Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda; Andrade, Marcio Roberto Magalhães deIn Brazil, landslides are frequent, causing deaths and property damage, and occur under the influence of natural and/or anthropic conditions. Rain acts as the main non-anthropic agent in triggering this phenomenon. Because of this, the prediction of landslides becomes an essential tool for managing high-risk areas. The Metropolitan Region of Recife (MRR) has a large history with numerous cases of mass movements over the years. Currently, research points out improvements in the quality of forecasts by including hydrological information, such as soil moisture, in warning systems. Given the importance of measuring soil moisture in situ, a network of equipment consisting of rain gauges and capacitive moisture sensors was installed in the MRR, to monitor rainfall and soil moisture in an integrated manner. The objective of this article is to understand the hydrological conditions of the soil in two high-risk areas of the MRR, built over the Barreiras Formation to set the foundations for the development of a Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) that integrates rain and humidity. The data showed that the variation in soil moisture is very dependent on rainfall and presents sudden variations in moisture with increasing hourly rainfall. The data also revealed that the monitored soils remained wet for approximately six months in the year 2022, highlighting the potential for moderate rainfall during this period to trigger landslides.Item Ciudades Pequeñas del Delta del Río Amazonas: ¿En qué Términos?(Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul) Costa, Sandra Maria Fonseca da; Montoia, Gustavo Rodrigo Milaré; Carmo, Monique Bruna Silva doEste artículo trae una discusión reflexiva sobre las singularidades de estas pequeñas ciudades, a partir de un estudio comparativo entre tres ciudades del Delta del Amazonas: Afuá y Ponta de Pedras, ubicadas en el estado de Pará, y Mazagão, en el estado de Amapá. Para ejecutar la investigación se utilizó datos colectados mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios a los vecinos urbanos de las tres ciudades, datos de mapeo del área urbana, además de datos censales. Los resultados demuestran que las tres ciudades crecieron como resultado de procesos singulares, pero sus vecinos poseen, similarmente, un acceso precario a la infraestructura y servicios. Se discuten también los aspectos invisibles, mucho más significativo para estas ciudades, como el acontecer solidario, el riberurbano, una sociedad que mantiene relaciones en redes, con actividades del circuito informal de la economía, junto a funciones no urbanas, que, a pesar de mantener el ethos ribereño, es urbanizado.Item Curupira V1.0: Joint Inversion of VES and TEM for Environmental and Mass Movements Studies(Scientific Research an Academic Publisher) Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Porsani, Jorge Luís; Pryer, Tristan; Benjumea, Jorge Luis Abril; Santos, Fernando Acácio Monteiro dos; Couto, Marco Antonio; Pampuch, Luana Albertani; Mendes, Tatiana Sussel Gonçalves; Metodiev, Daniel; Moraes, Marcio Augusto Ernesto de; Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda; Andrade, Marcio Roberto Magalhães deAn innovative inversion code, named “Curupira v1.0”, has been developed using Matlab to determine the vertical distribution of resistivity beneath the subsoil. The program integrates Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), successful in shallow subsurface exploration and Time Domain Electromagnetic (TEM) techniques, better suited for deeper exploration, both of which are widely employed in geophysical exploration. These methodologies involve calculating subsurface resistivity through appropriate inversion processes. To address the ill-posed nature of inverse problems in geophysics, a joint inversion scheme combining VES and TEM data has been incorporated into Curupira v1.0. The software has been tested on both synthetic and real-world data, the latter of which was acquired from the Parana sedimentary basin which we summarise here. The results indicate that the joint inversion of VES and TEM techniques offers improved recovery of simulated models and demonstrates significant potential for hydrogeological studies.Item Deadly disasters in southeastern South America: flash floods and landslides of February 2022 in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro(European Geosciences Union) Alcântara, Enner; Marengo, José Antonio; Mantovani, José; Londe, Luciana de Resende; San, Rachel Lau Yu; Park, Edward; Lin, Yunung Nina; Wang, Jingyu; Mendes, Tatiana; Cunha, Ana Paula; Pampuch, Luana; Seluchi, Marcelo; Simões, Silvio; Cuartas, Luz Adriana; Goncalves, Demerval; Massi, Klécia; Alvalá, Regina; Moraes, Osvaldo; Souza Filho, Carlos; Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda; Nobre, CarlosOn 15 February 2022, the city of Petrópolis in the highlands of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, received an unusually high volume of rain within 3 h (258 mm), generated by a strongly invigorated mesoscale convective system. It resulted in flash floods and subsequent landslides that caused the deadliest landslide disaster recorded in Petrópolis, with 231 fatalities. In this paper, we analyzed the root causes and the key triggering factors of this landslide disaster by assessing the spatial relationship of landslide occurrence with various environmental factors. Rainfall data were retrieved from 1977 to 2022 (a combination of ground weather stations and the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation – CHIRPS). Remotely sensed data were used to map the landslide scars, soil moisture, terrain attributes, line-of-sight displacement (land surface deformation), and urban sprawling (1985–2020). The results showed that the average monthly rainfall for February 2022 was 200 mm, the heaviest recorded in Petrópolis since 1932. Heavy rainfall was also recorded mostly in regions where the landslide occurred, according to analyses of the rainfall spatial distribution. As for terrain, 23 % of slopes between 45–60∘ had landslide occurrences and east-facing slopes appeared to be the most conducive for landslides as they recorded landslide occurrences of about 9 % to 11 %. Regarding the soil moisture, higher variability was found in the lower altitude (842 m) where the residential area is concentrated. Based on our land deformation assessment, the area is geologically stable, and the landslide occurred only in the thin layer at the surface. Out of the 1700 buildings found in the region of interest, 1021 are on the slope between 20 to 45∘ and about 60 houses were directly affected by the landslides. As such, we conclude that the heavy rainfall was not the only cause responsible for the catastrophic event of 15 February 2022; a combination of unplanned urban growth on slopes between 45–60∘, removal of vegetation, and the absence of inspection were also expressive driving forces of this disaster.Item Development of a soil moisture forecasting method for a landslide early warning system (LEWS): Pilot cases in coastal regions of Brazil(Elsevier) Sousa, Isadora Araújo; Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Mendes, Tatiana Sussel Gonçalves; Andrade, Marcio Roberto Magalhães de; Dolif Neto, Giovanni; Metodiev, Daniel; Pryer, Tristan; Howley, Noel; Simões, Silvio Jorge Coelho; Mendes, Rodolfo MoredaClimate change has increased the frequency of extreme weather events and, consequently, the number of occurrences of natural disasters. In Brazil, among these disasters, floods, flash floods, and landslides account for the highest number of deaths, the latter being the most lethal. Bearing in mind the importance of monitoring areas susceptible to disasters, the REMADEN/REDEGEO project of the National Center for Monitoring and Natural Disaster Alerts (Cemaden) has promoted the installation of a network of soil moisture sensors in regions with a long history of landslides. This network was used in the present paper as a base to develop a system for moisture forecasting in those critical zones. The time series of rainfall and moisture were used in an inversion algorithm to obtain the geotechnical parameters of the soil. Then the geotechnical model was used in a forward calculation with the rainfall prediction to obtain the soil moisture forecast. The landslide events of March 2020 and May 2022 in Guarujá and Recife, respectively, were used as study cases for the developed system. The obtained results indicate that the proposed methodology has the potential to be used as an important tool in the decision-making process for issuing landslide alerts.Item É uma viagem que jamais termina: as migrações internas no romance Seara Vermelha de Jorge Amado(Universidade de Campinas) Maciel, Lidiane MariaEste artigo apresenta as migrações rurais na década de 1940 por meio da literatura. Seu objetivo é explicitar o impacto do fenômeno para os migrantes, valorizando os conteúdos de Seara Vermelha de Jorge Amado. Nessa ficção, o autor descreve o drama de migrantes que circulavam pelo interior da Bahia em direção ao estado de São Paulo. A metodologia utilizada é qualitativa e segue a tradição dos estudos culturais; como resultados e conclusões realiza-se uma leitura comparada entre os fatos históricos e a produção ficcional a fim de encontrar correlações, reconhecendo a potencialidade do romance em descrever o processo migratório.Item Enhancing landslide predictability: Validating geophysical surveys for soil moisture detection in 2D and 3D scenarios(Elsevier) Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Mendes, Tatiana Sussel Gonçalves; Egas, Harideva Marturano; Metodiev, Daniel; Moraes, Maiconn Vinicius de; Andrade, Marcio Roberto Magalhães de; Pryer, Tristan; Ashby, Ben; Motta, Mariana Ferreira Benessiuti; Simões, Silvio Jorge Coelho; Pampuch, Luana Albertani; Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda; Moraes, Marcio Augusto Ernesto deEvery year, Brazil grapples with the destructive impact of landslides, typically during the summer season. The National Centre for Monitoring and Alerts of Natural Disasters (Cemaden) places significant emphasis on studying these phenomena to understand their processes and causes more deeply. One key challenge faced in this endeavour is the procurement of geotechnical properties of the soil in high-risk areas, with soil moisture being a crucial factor. Collecting point samples for acquiring these geotechnical parameters is not only costly but also limited in providing a comprehensive two-dimensional or three-dimensional coverage. Therefore, the primary aim of the proposed project is to validate the method of acquiring soil moisture data through geophysical surveys in both 2D and 3D scenarios. Data was gathered from soil moisture stations within Cemaden's network and various collected samples to confirm the results. To generate more controlled yet realistic conditions, a sequence of field infiltration experiments was conducted. The findings, related to the ability of the geoelectric method to define soil moisture, derived from this project form an invaluable foundation for future investigations spearheaded by the Geodynamics Group and its collaborating institutions.Item ARHCS (Automatic Rainfall Half-Life Cluster System): A Landslides Early Warning System (LEWS) Using Cluster Analysis and Automatic Threshold Definition(Scientific Research Publishing) Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Pampuch, Luana Albertani; Andrade, Marcio Roberto Magalhães de; Metodiev, Daniel; Carvalho, Adenilson Roberto; Mendes, Tatiana Sussel Gonçalves; Pryer, Tristan; Egas, Harideva Marturano; Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda; Sousa, Isadora Araújo; Power, JennyA significant portion of Landslide Early Warning Systems (LEWS) relies on the definition of operational thresholds and the monitoring of cumulative rainfall for alert issuance. These thresholds can be obtained in various ways, but most often they are based on previous landslide data. This approach introduces several limitations. For instance, there is a requirement for the location to have been previously monitored in some way to have this type of information recorded. Another significant limitation is the need for information regarding the location and timing of incidents. Despite the current ease of obtaining location information (GPS, drone images, etc.), the timing of the event remains challenging to ascertain for a considerable portion of landslide data. Concerning rainfall monitoring, there are multiple ways to consider it, for instance, examining accumulations over various intervals (1 h, 6 h, 24 h, 72 h), as well as in the calculation of effective rainfall, which represents the precipitation that actually infiltrates the soil. However, in the vast majority of cases, both the thresholds and the rain monitoring approach are defined manually and subjectively, relying on the operators’ experience. This makes the process labor-intensive and time-consuming, hindering the establishment of a truly standardized and rapidly scalable methodology on a large scale. In this work, we propose a Landslides Early Warning System (LEWS) based on the concept of rainfall half-life and the determination of thresholds using Cluster Analysis and data inversion. The system is designed to be applied in extensive monitoring networks, such as the one utilized by Cemaden, Brazil’s National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters.Item Crescimento urbano e parcelamento do solo de uma pequena cidade da Amazônia: o caso de Afuá, PA(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria) Rosa, Nilton Carlos; Costa, Sandra Maria Fonseca da; Montoia, Gustavo Rodrigo MilaréA dificuldade de acesso à terra nas cidades se reflete na sua situação fundiária. Nas pequenas cidades da Amazônia a situação fundiária se reflete no parcelamento da terra. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um estudo do processo de parcelamento da terra urbana do município de Afuá, PA. Seu desenvolvimento pautou-se na compreensão histórica do processo de formação da cidade, por meio de levantamento dos registros de imóveis, disponíveis no cartório local e o número total de imóveis existentes no cadastro da Prefeitura Municipal de Afuá. O processo de parcelamento da terra, em Afuá, iniciou após a sua elevação à condição de cidade. O registro do imóvel por processo de compra e venda representou 62% das matrículas analisadas, não tendo sido verificado transferência por aforamento. Foi constatado que há informações diferentes sobre qual seria a dimensão da cidade legal.Item Sustainable Water Governance in the Brazilian Pantanal Biome: Challenges and Lessons(Blue Papers) Bell, Emily; Puga, BrunoProblems caused by land-use change and climate change transcend territorial boundaries, but often management of natural heritage sites can only influence what happens within the local area. Therefore, we need innovative conservation strategies that also transcend territorial boundaries. Hence, the approach to managing our natural heritage sites may need innovative strategies to ensure their effective conservation. This study examines the conservation approach in the Pantanal biome, which houses multiple centers of decision-making across Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Despite the region’s significant contribution in providing ecosystem services and playing an integral part in local cultural heritage and Native communities, Pantanal has suffered from a lack of clear rules and strategies, challenges in implementation, and, largely, capacity and coordination across different governance scales. This contribution synthesizes key challenges and potential opportunities through co-production and information sharing to ensure a socio-ecological approach to promoting the conservation and resilience of the Pantanal biome.Item Socio-geoenvironmental vulnerability index (SGeoVI) derived from hybrid modeling related to populations at-risk to landslides(Springer Nature) Ávila, Frederico Fernandes de; Alvalá, Regina Célia dos Santos; Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda; Amore, Diogo de JesusIn the present study, we propose a transdisciplinary investigation aimed at developing an index to assess the vulnerability to landslides in the Brazilian municipality of São José dos Campos. The proposed Socio-Geoenvironmental Vulnerability Index (SGeoVI) was developed using a hybrid modeling approach that integrates socioeconomic data with landslide susceptibility mapping. Landslide susceptibility was derived from the FS FIORI deterministic model, which calculates the Safety Factor (FS) using the concept of limit equilibrium. The mapping of land use and land cover enabled the inclusion of new parameters related to certain anthropogenic conditions and vegetation cover, such as the overabundance of buildings and the presence or absence of tree vegetation, which are significant factors influencing landslide occurrence. Socioeconomic indicators were extracted from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) census data, and variables were selected and spatially represented for each of São José dos Campos’s 1073 census tracts. Socioeconomic indicators were taken into account for the SGeoVI proposal and categorized into five thematic groups: economic; educational; housing infrastructure; social dependency; e family structure. Based on the Socio-geoenvironmental vulnerability indicators, several neighborhoods in São José dos Campos, SP, were selected for a detailed SGeoVI assessment. In Pinheirinhos, a neighborhood situated in the southernmost part of São José dos Campo, the highest SGeoVI value reached to 0.91. In contrast, Jardim Apolo I, an established neighborhood located in the Central Region of São José dos Campos, exhibited a considerably lower SGeoVI value of only 0.04, for instance. The verification results of SGeoVI revealed socioeconomic disparities that align with geomorphological variations. The northern and southern parts of the municipality exhibit high susceptibility to landslides, coupled with low-income communities and inadequate housing structures, contributing to elevated socio-geoenvironmental vulnerability. In contrast, central regions feature flat terrain, reduced natural susceptibility, higher income levels, and improved access to housing infrastructure, resulting in lower vulnerability values. Given its ability to assess intra-municipal socio-geoenvironmental vulnerability, SGeoVI holds potential for extrapolation to other municipalities. Consequently, it can serve as a valuable tool for municipal authorities in formulating public policies aimed at landslide risk management.Item Antecedent precipitation index to estimate soil moisture and correlate as a triggering process in the occurrence of landslides(Scientific Research Publishing) Moraes, Marcio Augusto Ernesto de; Mendes Filho, Walter Manoel; Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda; Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Metodiev, Daniel; Andrade, Marcio Roberto Magalhães de; Egas, Harideva Marturano; Mendes, Tatiana Sussel Gonçalves; Pampuch, Luana AlbertaniLandslides are highly dangerous phenomena that occur in different parts of the world and pose significant threats to human populations. Intense rainfall events are the main triggering process for landslides in urbanized slope regions, especially those considered high-risk areas. Various other factors contribute to the process; thus, it is essential to analyze the causes of such incidents in all possible ways. Soil moisture plays a critical role in the Earth’s surface-atmosphere interaction systems; hence, measurements and their estimations are crucial for understanding all processes involved in the water balance, especially those related to landslides. Soil moisture can be estimated from in-situ measurements using different sensors and techniques, satellite remote sensing, hydrological modeling, and indicators to index moisture conditions. Antecedent soil moisture can significantly impact runoff for the same rainfall event in a watershed. The Antecedent Precipitation Index (API) or “retained rainfall,” along with the antecedent moisture condition from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, is generally applied to estimate runoff in watersheds where data is limited or unavailable. This work aims to explore API in estimating soil moisture and establish thresholds based on landslide occurrences. The estimated soil moisture will be compared and calibrated using measurements obtained through multisensor capacitance probes installed in a high-risk area located in the mountainous region of Campos do Jordão municipality, São Paulo, Brazil. The API used in the calculation has been modified, where the recession coefficient depends on air temperature variability as well as the climatological mean temperature, which can be considered as losses in the water balance due to evapotranspiration. Once the API is calibrated, it will be used to extrapolate to the entire watershed and consequently estimate soil moisture. By utilizing recorded mass movements and comparing them with API and soil moisture, it will be possible to determine thresholds, thus enabling anticipation of landslide occurrences.Item Planejamento urbano e regional para o enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas: estudo de caso na Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte(Universidade de Taubaté) Villanova, Luana Braz; Toniolo, Maria Angélica; Puga, Bruno PeregrinaOs eventos climáticos extremos têm afetado de maneira intensa o território urbano, tornando-se uma ameaça sistêmica às cidades de maneira geral. Diante da crescente concentração de pessoas e atividades econômicas nas cidades, as Regiões Metropolitanas passaram a ser vítimas dos desastres de cunho ambiental. Esta pesquisa busca compreender se os Planos Diretores em diferentes escalas têm incorporado os conceitos que representam as novas abordagens de Planejamento Urbano e Regional. Para tanto, investigou-se a presença dos termos Mudança Climática, Soluções Baseadas na Natureza, Serviços Ecossistêmicos e Infraestrutura Verde nos Planos Diretores e nos Cadernos de elaboração do Plano de Desenvolvimento Urbano Integrado da Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte. Este estudo aponta que há falta de alinhamento e de coordenação entre os Planos Diretores no que se refere às novas diretrizes de planejamento para o enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas e ressalta que o Plano de Desenvolvimento Urbano Integrado pode servir como balizador na elaboração dos próximos Planos Diretores municipais se superar os desafios de articulação e de cooperação interfederativa.